Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Archieving dreams?

When I was young,
I used to have many dreams...

My mother used to tell me that I love to eat fried eggs,
When I was 4, 5 years old.
By that time, I was short and thin...


I'd a dream,
I hoped that I can fry eggs for my own consumption~

My first dream,
I archieved it, in the end.

I am happy for it =)

I am very rejoice when my mum re-telling me the story, when we have eggs for meals. It is a kind of memory & a learning process for me.

As we growing older, we have many dreams to archive...
I believe that most of us work hard to make it a reality...
However, have you ever asking yourself,

"Do I enjoy the process of realising my dreams?"
"What the hect that I am doing?"
"Have I neglected my family, friends or sacrifice my own personal time, just in order to archieve the aims?"
"Does it worth for me to do so?"

Difference people might have difference answers,
but ...
ONLY you,
Know the real answer that you want to find ^^

Trust me,
the results aren't always to be what we expect...
It can be higher than our own expectation,
in contrary,
we might fail to get such wonderful fruits >.<''

What we are going to do is ACCEPT THE FINAL FRUIT that we receive,
no matter we are sad or joyful...
based on our hardworking + luck + blessing, if you are religious, you will feel that the things are happened in the wills of God...
I am a bit religious, I can't deny that I prayed alots for strength or for divine assistant.

In the meantime,
We need to enjoy the process of DOING THE THINGS we want to ARCHIEVE..
There are many hidden messages, values & wonders in the process...
at least,
we can test our own determination & passion in certain things?!
I used to take time to test my own ability in confronting with problems
as well as...
make my dreams come true!

I learn from wrongs... I feel good for it!

Let us aim higher...
Make our dreams come true...
NEVER make ourself too RADICAL in doing certain things...
Appreciate every lessons that we learnt,
Improve ourslef, from time to time...
To be volatile ^^
NEVER BOOST if your dreams are here...
NEVER UPSET if you haven't shoot the goal...

-- KenNy Michael MoseS--